5 Deadliest Plane Crashes Ever In World – दुनिया में अब तक के 5 सबसे घातक विमान हादसे

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These are the 5 Deadliest Plane Crashes Ever In World – ये हैं दुनिया में अब तक के 5 सबसे घातक विमान हादसे

S. No. Plane Crashes Death Tolls Cause Date
1. September 11 Attacks 2996 A series of four terrorist suicide attacks carried out by the terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda in the United States. September 11, 2001
2. Tenerife Airport Disaster 583 Two Boeing 747 aircrafts collided on a runway at the Los Rodeos Airport. March 27, 1977
3. Japan Airlines Flight 123 520 Suffered an explosive decompression mid-flight. August 12, 1985
4. Charkhi Dadri Mid-Air Collision 349 Collided with another aircraft over the city of Charkhi Dadri in India. November 12, 1996
5. Turkish Airlines Flight 981 346 A technical fault when a cargo door of the aircraft dislodged, causing excessive decompression and loss of cables. March 3, 1974

Source: Wikipedia

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